150 Half Round
For Designer, Metallic and Gloss colours, download the ColorCote® special colours brochure.

Light Commercial
150 Half Round Performance
The 150 Half Round is an excellent finishing touch for any home. Manufactured in Rotorua for the North Island and Christchurch for the South Island, the 150 Half Round is perfect for the classic kiwi home through to a unique architectural design.

All dimensions given are nominal.
Effective cross-sectional area (with 10mm freeboard): 6600mm²
Flow capacity: 95 litres/min
Minimum recommended fall: 1:500 = 2mm in 1m
Minimum downpipe
Circular - 80mm
Catchment area per downpipe based on the above flow capacity is given in Table 3.1M. Use Table 3.1B (Section 3.1.4 in Technical Manual) to determine the Rainfall Intensity to be used.
Material options including thickness and grade:
Steel 0.55mm G300
Roll-forming facility: Rotorua & Christchurch
Gutter bracket material and thickness:
Aluminium 4mm x 30mm
Recommended maximum spacing: 900mm spacing (refer section of Technical Manual for recommended spacing where snowfall is possible). Snow straps available.
Recommended fixings: Screw fastenings to be compatible with substrate and bracket material avoiding dissimilar metal contact.
Product Brochure
Below you can download our homeowner’s brochure which includes some of our rainwater profiles and basic product information.