
Product and Technical Update

Dear Customer,

Two product changes are coming to Dimond Roofing soon.

Newly Adjusted Heritage Tray Clips

Newly adjusted Heritage Tray clip will soon be available from Dimond. These tray clips will be stocked at Auckland, Hamilton and Invercargill branches initially and will have a new item number 3107224 - HERITAGE TRAY CLIP ZNAL (V2)

There will still be available stock of the V1 clips if required.

The new (V2) clip will have larger countersunk holes and lower dimples which will require new types of screws.

  • These are Ultra Low Profile (ULP) headed pancake screws in two lengths
  • The fastener only has a 1mm high head
  • They are a #2 Square Drive and will be available from INV-CHC-AKL only at this stage.

The item numbers for these new screws are:
ULP SCREW 5.5X30MM PCKH (250) - for direct fixing into purlins – no cavity.

ULP SCREW 5.5X65MM PSQH (200) - for going through 18-20mm cavity battens i.e. wall cladding (mainly)

Removal of Vented Underlay i.e. Tyvek Metal

With the introduction of the new clip also allows the removal of the “Vented Underlay” and for standard roofing underlay to replace it, helping reduce costs through material and installation time. For wall cladding depending on the batten material a separation layer between the batten and the cladding may still be required.

Tray Roofing Foam

Dimond Roofing will be launching new Tray Roofing Foam Tape – item number 3107225. The new TRAY ROOFING FOAM P60 10M ROLL will replace the PEF Rod and or foam backer rod currently being used.

An advantage of this material is that it has an adhesive back, so when used for wall cladding, no additional underlay will be required. The foam is adhered to the back centre of the tray prior to installing, starting/stopping at the second from top and bottom purlin/dwang or nogg.

Please see the following details:

If you require any further detail or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 DIMOND, or feel free to reach out to your local branch.

Price Increase